Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Madam and the Rent Man" Questions

1.Read with a Purpose
The rent man and Madam seem to disagree throughout the poem. Yet, the last line is "So we agrees!"
Why is that?

2. Infer
What do you think is the message of "Madam and the Rent Man"?

3. Analyze
How does the author's use of playful language and dialogue affect the tone of "Madam and the Rent Man"?


  1. Here are my answers to the question:

    1. I think they both agreed that they "ain't pleased". Madam ain't pleased because she had to pay for a bad apartment and because the land lord did not keep the promise to fix the apartment. Agent Man "ain't pleased" because he could not collect the money and because he could not do anything for Madam. He felt powerless and worried that he would not have money to give to the land lord. So they agreed that they both disagreed with their lives.
    2. I think each character represents a message in this poem. Madam's message is that you should stand up for yourself and say what is on your mind. Agent Man represents the message: do the best you can to help poor people and don not underestimate them. They are human-beings too.
    3. I think because the author- Langston Hughes grown up in a poor part of New York City, he used slangs from there. Howdy-do is an example. Also "we agreed" showed that they were quite uneducated so they did not know proper grammar. The sentence: "I'd go to Hades and rot away" showed the anger of the Madam. All of those playful languages affected the tone of the poem and made everyone know that it's from New York.
    p/s: Happy Birthday Miss Patrice :D

  2. id go to hades and rot away
