Monday, April 23, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012

Welcome Back

Dear Grade 7 Students,
Welcome back from Spring Break.I hope you all had a refreshing holiday and are ready to take on Quarter 4 with hard work and determination.

This quarter we will continue our reading. You are expected to read 700 pages this quarter, that is approximately 4 books. If you read more than 700 pages, I will grant bonus grades. My expectations are high, show me can exceed my expectations.

For our writing component of quarter 4 we will be writing a research essay. You are expected to write a paper about the best invention ever created. You will use your research, writing and persuasive skills to tell me about the best invention you think was ever created on this earth.

Have a great weekend reading your new novels. I look forward to hearing all about the great books you are reading during Tuesday's class.

All the Best,
Miss Patrice

Tuesday, April 10, 2012