Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Research Report Outline

Research Report
First Draft

Instructions: You are expected to write a five paragraph essay about a selected invention that you have researched. Each paragraph contains only one main idea and should only be between 3-7 sentences long.

Paragraph 1: Introduction- contains the main thesis of the research paper.

Example: In this essay I will explore the invention of the telephone. I believe it is one of the best inventions ever created because it helps people connect with each other.

Paragraph 2: Describe the Invention
Describe what the invention does as well as where and when it was invented.

Paragraph 3: Discuss the Inventor
Describe who invented it and where they got their ideas from.

Paragraph 4: Tell your reader why this invention is so great.
Explain why this invention is so powerful and how it impacts humans and the whole world.

Paragraph 5: Conclusion
Restate your thesis

Example: In conclusion, the telephone is one of the best inventions ever created. It continues to evolve and become better for human use. The power of the telephone cannot be measured only admired.

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